Click below to find your State or Local Election Office Website

I am from Texas so this is my State Elections website

For more information and easy read for Texans … You can visit

Find out all about the Million Muslim Votes here

Find out all about the Emgage USA Organization here

The League women's Voters Organization (gives you unbiased information about the candidates) (Easy website to navigate to find out if you are registered to vote and other useful info on any state)

If you are in North Texas and want to learn more about March to the Polls organization

My mom (Zulikha Hussain) is part of the March to the Polls organization and part of the Latino Voter Engagement Coalition and Student Voter Engagement coalition. She is Muslim Outreach Director for the Dallas County Democratic party and she is also a partner of the Million Muslim Votes initiative

You can visit this website for some additional information on March to the Polls Organization and if you need to register in Texas.

You can visit this website for some additional resources especially in Spanish

You can visit this website for some additional resources especially for students

You can visit this website for for additional resources specially to learn about the Million Muslim Votes Initiative

The Latino Voter Engagement Coalition group shot these amazing videos and I hope these clips inspire you to take action and vote.
Please do share these links with your friends and family

I am a student at University of Austin that soon realized the complicated process of obtaining an absentee ballot and voter registration. I soon figured out how many steps were involved and this further opened my eyes to how many of my classmates and friends were also having trouble with getting such a simple application accomplished too.

It is imperative that we do vote and do get our voices heard, as these politicians are the ones that are going to change the laws that will directly impact our lives, either negatively or positively. Why not be part of the process to ensure we have a better world !

Wali Hussain